The All-in-One Solution for Intelligent Meter Data Management
The Robotron Energy Market Platform offers comprehensive solutions for smart meter data management and Smart Energy applications. As your IT specialist for intelligent meter location operation, Robotron has an all-in-one solution in its portfolio with the Robotron-IoTHub4Utilities und robotron*esmart.
The fully integrated solution covers all meter location operation processes up to data provision for billing and market partners without interfaces. Modular value-added services support innovative business models for competitive meter location operation.
Our Solutions for Innovative Meter Location Operation
View Into the Software
The modules of the MDM solution robotron*esmart support the entire meter data management process from the meter to the end customer. From classic remote meter reading with robotron*ecollect to gateway administration with robotron*GWA-Manager and meter data management with robotron*esmart, all functional requirements are fully covered. All automated processes can be conveniently managed via a central process control. The configurable dashboard in robotron*ecollect provides an optimal overview of the system status and your measurement data. Extensive analysis and editing functions for consumption and forecast time series are part of the intuitive visualization mask.
The robotron*Webportal also offers you a mobile complete overview for flexible meter data management on the go.
Examples from Practice

Charging management with smart meter gateway
The joint project implements a practical solution for the management of charging processes and charging points via the smart metering system and demonstrates various use cases with different data transmission protocols.

Grid-friendly load and feed-in management
Innovative solutions for energy industry applications are being tested on the TEAG Thüringer Energie AG campus in Erfurt. The focus is on the intelligent measuring system for grid-supporting load and feed-in management as well as control in the smart grid.
![[Translate to Englisch:] [Translate to Englisch:]](/fileadmin/Robotron_DE/Images/ew/robotron_card_ew_messwesen_smgw.jpg)
"SMGW-forwards" innovation project
In the project, Robotron provides its GWA and EMT software and contributes expertise for the conception and prototypical implementation of the backend functionalities. This includes numerous new processes and (market) interfaces and enables the potential of the new iMSys infrastructure to be evaluated.

Intelligent, recording load profile measuring system (iRLMSys)
The field-tested solution is a joint project between E.ON, Netze BW, Landis+Gyr, PPC and Robotron. It connects RLM meters via smart meter gateways and takes into account the specific technical and economic conditions of this market segment.